Sunday, February 22, 2009

War has been declared on the mice

One thing certain in Flagstaff and now Bellemont, we have mice. I had a competition last year with my office mate over who could catch the most mice. He won, but then his house was newer! A co-worker said the first summer he moved into his house in Bellemont he caught about 40 mice. So far we've only caught 2 and the mice ate the box of poison on my tray.


Angela and Kevin Reese said...

Peanut butter is what my parent swear by. Gets the mice to the trap every time.

Tyson said...

We used to get mice in our garage. Then our neighbors moved in with 2 cats. The mice stay clear of our yard. Sometimes we see the cats in the field behind our house pouncing on things. Sometimes the cats will bring mice to our yard to play with them. When the suffering rodent eventually stops "playing" the cat will leave the carcase behind for me to toss back to the field. Anyway, I think if you borrow a cat for a little while it will hunt down the mice and eventually the mice will leave. they will be able to smell remnants of a cat and I think they won't come back.

Jodimills said...

Get a cat from the shelter

Amy said...

Ugh!!! Mice totally remind me of our house in Sagle. That's what you get when you live in beautiful locations I guess. That was the first time I had ever seen a mouse in a house. Donnavan's parents were over and a mouse jumped out of our pantry when I opened the door. I was horrified!